To you, our valued client:
As Hendricks County’s rate of new COVID-19 cases continues to climb to the highest levels yet, my team has expressed growing concerns for their own and our clients’ safety.
I’m concerned, too, and have made the difficult decision to take a step back and revert to curbside service only, effective immediately.
It’s become clear since we reopened the building to our clients on July 6, about three-quarters of them prefer to come inside. We prefer the more efficient and satisfying face-to-face interactions with our clients, too, although we have become increasingly anxious interacting with a growing number of clients who refuse to wear masks properly and consistently.
Meanwhile, we have been happy to continue offering curbside service to the 25-30 percent of our clients who have preferred to play it safe and not risk coming inside.
I now see returning to curbside service exclusively as the safest, most efficient way to continue to be here for you and your pet while doing our very best to keep our clients, ourselves and our families safe.
Curbside Protocols
Our curbside service protocols have continued to work well since we first implemented them last March, and we greatly appreciate your cooperation with us as we revert to allowing only staff inside the clinic for the foreseeable future.
As a reminder, here’s how curbside works:
- Call in advance to make an appointment for your pet’s visit.
- When you arrive for the appointment, call the front desk at (317) 852-3323 to let us know you’re in our parking lot.
- A technician will call you to discuss your pet’s history and the reason for the appointment.
- A technician will then come to your car and bring your pet into the clinic for examination and treatment.
- Cats must be in a secure carrier—not loose in your vehicle. We provide secure leads for dogs.
- Our staff will not reach into your vehicle for your pet. We’re asking you to place cat carriers on the ground by your vehicle for the staff member to pick up or stand by your vehicle with your dog on a leash until the staff member secures the slip lead and you can safely hand the dog off.
- Unless it’s a drop-off appointment or special arrangements have been made in advance and approved by the veterinarian, we expect clients to remain in their vehicles in our parking lot throughout the appointment.
- All communication concerning diagnosis, treatment options and check-out will take place on the phone.
- At the conclusion of the appointment, after you’ve paid your bill, a staff member will return your pet, along with any prescribed medicines or foods, to your car.
- We ask that you maintain a distance of at least six feet from anyone you encounter during your visit to our clinic.
- We expect you to wear a snug-fitting mask covering your nose and mouth while interacting with our staff members and other clients who may be waiting in the parking lot.
Food Orders and Prescription Refills
If you need to visit the clinic to pick up food or medicine, we ask for more than the usual 24-hours’ advance notice. Call well ahead of time, charge the merchandise to your credit or debit card, and we will let you know when your order will be ready. Call the front desk when you arrive for pickup and we will bring it out to you.
You can also order supplies for delivery directly to your home from our online VetSource store.
Thank you!
We all join you in looking forward to the time when we can safely reopen the building to our clients—and we most certainly will—just as soon as we feel it is prudent to do so again.
Thank you for your continuing patience, cooperation and understanding.

Timea H. Brady, DVM
Owner, Brownsburg Animal Clinic
P.S. My team and I understand waiting can be frustrating! I assure you, we are doing our very best to respond promptly to every call we receive, in order of urgency, and to operate as efficiently as we possibly can. Regardless of your wait time, we expect you to be civil to our team members, once they are able to help you.