On Tuesday, June 1, we will reopen our exam rooms to clients who want to come inside for their pets’ appointments.
That’s right! The eye-to-eye interactions we’ve all missed so much during the many months of curbside-only service are once again an option so long as the infection rates in our area stay reasonably low and our clients are willing to follow a few simple precautions.
Curbside service will still be available to clients who prefer to stay in their cars. If you’d rather stay outside and communicate with us by phone, we’ll be happy to take care of getting your pet inside for the appointment and returned to your car when we’re done.
Curbside-only service will continue for technician appointments and food and prescription pick-ups.
Starting Tuesday, June 1—
- Call the front desk at (317) 852-3323 when you arrive in our parking lot for your appointment.
- If you want to come inside with your pet, a team member will come out and escort you into the building, straight into an exam room.
- Please plan on having no more than two people come in with your pet.
- We will be wearing masks and maintaining a safe distance from you throughout your visit.
- Regardless of your vaccine status, we expect you to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth all the time you’re in the building.
- Once you’re in the exam room, we ask you to remain seated.
- Check-out will happen in the exam room.
If you are unwilling or unable to take these precautions once you’re inside our building, we will ask you to return to your car for the rest of the appointment.
Why the Masks?
We expect everyone to wear masks because it’s a simple, easy, effective way to continue to minimize risks for everyone—especially for those who are not vaccinated and those who are at high risk of complications from COVID. Masks still are the best precaution we can all take to keep everyone safe and make sure we can continue to care for our patients without interruption.
We will continue to monitor area infection rates as well as clients’ compliance with our guidelines and will revert to curbside-only service if necessary.
Our lobby remains closed until further notice.
Thank you for your continuing patience and understanding. We truly look forward to seeing you again!

Timea H. Brady, DVM
Owner, Brownsburg Animal Clinic